Updated: December 2, 2024
Searched for new codes!
This action-packed prequel to the beloved Borderlands 2 takes you to the moon of Elpis, where gravity is low and the stakes are high. As one of six new Vault Hunters, you’ll fight against Jack and uncover the secrets of Pandora’s moon. Borderlands The Pre-Sequel SHiFT codes will make your job easier!
Use all the available Borderlands The Pre-Sequel SHiFT codes to get a lot of Golden and Skeleton Keys for free. Open numerous crates and collect valuable loot that will make your progress much smoother. If you enjoy the Borderlands series, check out our Borderlands 2 SHiFT codes article to get helpful freebies for that game as well.
All Borderlands The Pre-Sequel SHiFT codes list
Working Borderlands The Pre-Sequel SHiFT codes
- ZX63B-9SZWT-3BBJT-J33JJ-H9KJ6—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (New)
- SFRJB-RZSK3-JBJTB-J3B33-ZK5SB—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 96RBT-ZTC33-T3T33-JT3BT-9BHZJ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SFXBJ-6BFJB-TJ3BT-BJ3J3-RCHWX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- K9KT3-S5KFX-3HWSW-STT3J-9BCHR—Redeem for 10 Golden Keys
- H6FTB-35R33-J333B-JTB3T-K5HJX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SR63B-995B3-TBTBT-B333J-5H6CX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- SF6T3-5BRJ3-33JB3-TBJJJ-5JZWX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- 9XRJJ-T9C3J-BJTJT-T3BB3-WR55R—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- H6FBB-RHKJ3-BTJJB-J3BTJ-3KWZJ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- HXX3T-H5W3T-TTBTB-T33TT-C369T—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- SXFBT-39953-J33TT-3T333-KSHW6—Redeem for 50 Golden Keys
- WS5JB-K9KHH-WRC6S-FJ3JT-ZZZZK—Redeem for Golden Keys and Skeleton Keys
- ZRFB3-WXCB3-J3TJ3-BJT3B-SCKF3—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
- CWWT3-99F6X-HBXCT-SJC33-56KS3—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 555B3-ZHF9K-JXC33-JBJBT-BF6FS—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WKWBJ-3ZBWT-RHHTX-C6JJT-5JR63—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- CKCJB-FB9ZK-TF5TJ-J333J-WRWS3—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WCCJB-JWJRF-FSB63-JJJ3T-WWSSJ—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- KCCTJ-H5FST-BTBBT-3B33B-BTH5Z—Redeem for Spring Fling skins (Steam only)
- WK5JB-6JSRR-HBFCB-Z3C3B-ZJ9JB—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- CWWT3-99F3T-FHZBX-KRB33-56KHK—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- CKKBB-F5ZRR-ZJFC3-S3WTJ-6ZT6F—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WCW3J-KSSZC-BR5JB-JJTTB-XF9FZ—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- K55J3-JJSFR-9TRC3-ZB5BJ-HHBBK—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WCC3B-WC3S6-HB65T-S3CJT-J3K5Z—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- K55J3-JJSBJ-6ZSB6-WF3BJ-HHBFZ—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 5WKBT-FCTSR-ZB6CT-S35BT-T9JWB—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 59KBB-95FSS-WRKRH-FJJJ3-KT6K6—Redeem for Golden Keys and Skeleton Keys
- WWWTB-F63F6-R9JR3-3BJ3T-WW9XW—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- 966BB-TXSKJ-JJJ3J-333J3-XK56J—Redeem for Golden Keys
- WC5JJ-HXTRF-XHTRJ-BJBJJ-HXW3F—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- WC5JJ-HTXSC-TFWJJ-BJBJJ-HXWXB—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- KC53J-C6BSX-93FW3-93W3T-6TZJF—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- CKWJT-HZK39-CKXJX-CR3JB-3WSZB—Redeem for a Machine Sniper Rifle (Xbox only)
- CKKT3-K3SHK-3RK3B-3JB33-ZHRZJ—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WWCB3-TWJ9F-SJR5B-Z3W3T-HJW9S—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 5CKTB-CCXZK-JXCJB-TJ3JT-H6KJX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WW53B-HXSSK-36WTB-TJ3JT-WFBT6—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- KC53J-C6BKT-69HT6-56T3T-6TZK3—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 5K5BB-9JZSK-TRC3B-3JBTJ-JX556—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- CKWBJ-FBB53-69H3R-CFBTJ-SRBXB—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 5WCT3-55ZZ5-JRCJ3-T3JBT-BHHRJ—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 96FJT-WFZWJ-J3JJJ-BBT3B-XFKSW—Redeem for a Golden Key
- CWWT3-RSBW3-XS93F-CFTTT-6KXRT—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- K5KBB-3HR6X-Z3RCT-ZTWBT-5WH93—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- K553B-ZW9ZC-J65TT-3TBJJ-9F66H—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 966BB-TXSKJ-JJJ3J-333J3-XK56J—Redeem for Golden Keys
- HFX3T-KWHCJ-BBJ3T-3JTJB-X3KTR—Redeem for a Golden Key
- K5WTT-FS6JJ-XZSTX-CXJ3T-Z95FH—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WW5BB-RHSTJ-FZS3R-CXTJB-939XF—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- CWCBJ-X6Z9W-36CBT-TT3B3-3RRXZ—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- KW53T-999JJ-6SHJX-5RJTB-BSSTK—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- K5WTT-FS6RR-ZTRWT-HTK3T-Z95H3—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- W5KBJ-H9FX3-TBTJ3-T3J3T-RRCTS—Redeem for a Machine Sniper Rifle (Steam only)
- KKK3T-CHJW3-FZSJF-CFJ3J-BFFHK—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 5CW3B-K3TCJ-X9H36-CX3BJ-KR3RS—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 5C5JJ-WJRZ5-T6W33-TJJBT-JRJ9Z—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- ZFXJB-BCSKT-TT3J3-JJTB3-XB965—Redeem for a Golden Key
- KKC3T-B3ZSW-TRKJ3-3TB3T-XRBCB—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WCKBT-SJH6F-HB65J-9B53J-SFWS3—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- C5CJ3-JT33X-3FKTB-TJJBT-JWFKX—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 5CKTB-CHTXR-RZBRB-TJ3JT-H6K59—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- KK5BT-TKXZ5-JFCJT-TBBJJ-69RCX—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 55C3B-CZ9FR-ST6KJ-93KBJ-3RJ9S—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WWK3B-SSBZF-9TFKJ-HBK3T-FRRST—Redeem for 25 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WWCTT-WHR3J-RH93X-CFT33-SHCXH—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WKCTT-J99HC-BXKTJ-JJTB3-JK39J—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- K5KBB-3HR3T-X9SBX-WXTBT-5WHFK—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WCWTJ-JTJKT-XH9J6-KFJJ3-Z6K35—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- KW53T-999RR-9JFKT-9JKTB-BSS6X—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- KCCJ3-XCBX6-R9TFB-TB3J3-6C3WR—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- ZXRTT-SKHCJ-B3TTT-JBTTT-JTRHH—Redeem for a Golden Key
- WCC3B-WC3K3-FH93X-K6BJT-J3KCF—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 5CW3B-K3THR-Z3F53-HT5BJ-KR3C5—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WWWTB-F36H5-J6KJ3-3BJ3T-WW9RS—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- W5KBB-9K3XF-R9BFT-J3BBJ-BF9K9—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- W5WJ3-Z5XH5-TFK3T-BTJJB-CRBHC—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WW5BB-RHSXR-HTR5J-HTWJB-939SW—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- K5CBT-SRTKJ-FHHB6-KRJ33-WXFSH—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 96FJT-WFZWJ-J3JJJ-BBT3B-XFKSW—Redeem for Golden Keys
- WW53B-TWHTT-FZHTF-WRJTT-9CRBK—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WKWBJ-3ZBZX-SBFWT-H3KJT-5JR9S—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WK5JB-6JSJJ-FHHBF-W6B3B-ZJ9TC—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- WCKBT-SJH3B-FH93R-5F33J-SFWFW—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 5CWJT-H3JW3-XHZBF-563TJ-S93KS—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- KK5BT-TSTX6-RHBRT-TBBJJ-69RHH—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- 5W53J-TRR9K-JXWBJ-3JJJ3-SFWHK—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WWCTT-WHR6R-SB65T-HBW33-SHC9K—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- KKWBB-5KJ6X-XSBF3-B3JT3-BWB6C—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys
- KCK3B-6RTC3-6SZ3F-WXB3J-SZJSR—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- KK5B3-35SHK-3F53B-JBTBT-RCR3C—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- CKKBB-F5ZJJ-XSHB6-K6TTJ-6ZTRB—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 59CJ3-CHTR6-JHKSK-SJ33B-WXRTX—Redeem for SDCC 2025 Golden Keys
- W5CBJ-53SBJ-X99J6-5RJT3-JBHSJ—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- HFFJT-6KZCT-3J333-TT3BB-XK6CS—Redeem for a Golden Key
- 5CC3J-6WCJ3-C333J-JBJ3J-J95RK—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- CSWTB-TZCZH-WFC6Z-633TT-SJ6JS—Redeem for Golden Keys and Skeleton Keys
- WWCB3-TWJ5B-RSS3F-W6T3T-HJWBS—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- KCCJ3-XHCZ5-J6WBB-TB3J3-6C3WT—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- K5WTB-SS9ZK-BXKTT-BJ3JT-5BJCJ—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 55C3B-CZ9BJ-RZ9JR-56JBJ-3RJTF—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- KKK3T-CHJZ6-HTRKB-HBK3J-BFF5F—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- W55J3-BXJ9R-SBRKJ-STWJ3-F6C99—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- CKWBJ-FBB96-93F5J-HBCTJ-SRBS3—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- KW5TJ-X5SSW-B6CJ3-33TJB-RCRRX—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- W55J3-BXJ5J-RHSJR-KXTJ3-F6CSH—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 5CC3J-6WCR6-F563R-KFJ3J-J95RK—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 555JT-6TTT9-KCFJX-CXT33-T3FBC—Redeem for 25 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- KCK3B-6RTH6-9JX5B-ZTC3J-SZJSZ—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 5CKBJ-BTFSC-TRCJB-3TBJB-X6J6Z—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WKWTJ-CC9XF-HJR5T-ZTCJB-WTSK6—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WW53B-TWHXX-HTFWB-ZJKTT-9CRCZ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 59KBB-95FSS-WRKRH-FJJJ3-KT6K6—Redeem for 10 Golden Keys
- ZXRTT-SKHCJ-B3TTT-JBTTT-JTRHH—Redeem for Golden Keys
- 5WKBT-FCTKJ-XH9BX-K63BT-T9JHH—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- KW53T-K6K95-H6BCJ-HTCJB-TZF36—Redeem for Spring Fling skins (PlayStation only)
- KKWBJ-6B5FJ-3JJBT-JBBJB-WWH6X—Redeem for 25 Golden Keys (PC only)
- CC53J-RKRZC-BR5T3-TJBBT-HBW9S—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WWK3B-SSBWB-6ZHJR-CFJ3T-FRR3ZL—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- W5KBB-9S5ZC-J6CBT-J3BBJ-BF9FB—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PC only)
- 5C5JJ-WBTT6-36KB3-JBB3J-T6CF3—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WKWTJ-CC9TB-FSS3X-WXBJB-WTSSW—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (Xbox only)
- 966BB-TXSKJ-JJJ3J-333J3-XK56J—Redeem for a Golden Key
- ZFXJB-BCSKT-TT3J3-JJTB3-XB965—Redeem for Golden Keys
- K5CBT-SRTSR-HBFC3-SJK33-WXFBC—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- WCKTB-6999K-J6C3T-TJT33-CZCK5—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- CSWTB-TZCZH-WFC6Z-633TT-SJ6JS—Redeem for 10 Golden Keys
- CWWT3-RSBZ6-ZJ65B-HBWTT-6KX33—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- KC5JB-JT6RW-96B5J-SBWBT-CCJ9F—Redeem for a Machine Sniper Rifle (PlayStation only)
- W5CBJ-53SFR-Z36K3-9JKT3-JBHHZ—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- CSCB3-STW6X-THCHC-HBTBJ-3ZFZH—Redeem for 5 PAX West Keys (Must link 2K account)
- 5CC3J-6WCJ5-B935J-SBK3J-J95H3—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- KCKJT-36SZW-JRCT3-J33TT-TFSBH—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PC only)
- WCWTJ-JTJSX-ZB6K3-SBKJ3-Z6KWT—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 555JT-6TTX5-SFBKT-HTW33-T3F3T—Redeem for 25 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- 5CWJT-H3JZ6-ZBXCB-935TJ-S93FS—Redeem for 5 Golden Keys (PlayStation only)
- KW53T-K6K59-C5FBR-CXBJB-TZFRBL—Redeem for Spring Fling skins (Xbox only)
- HFFJT-6KZCT-3J333-TT3BB-XK6CS—Redeem for Golden Keys
Expired Borderlands The Pre-Sequel SHiFT codes
- 5K53J-J9HK6-FZ3RB-3BTT3-9JF39
Related: Tiny Tina’s Wonderland SHiFT codes
How to redeem SHiFT codes in Borderlands The Pre-Sequel
Consult the simple guide below to find out how to use Borderlands The Pre-Sequel SHiFT codes:
- Head over to the Gearbox Shift website and log in to your Shift account.
- Link your gaming platform account to your Shift profile.
- Select the Rewards tab on the left side of the screen.
- Enter your code into the dedicated text field.
- Press the Check button to verify your code and claim your freebies.
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Wiki link
Check out the Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Wiki if you’d like to find out more about the game. This Wiki is the best way to find various game-related info, including which missions you have to complete, all the characters you can play as, enemies you’ll come across, and much more.
What is Borderlands The Pre-Sequel?
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel is a first-person shooter video game taking place on Pandora’s moon, Elpis, before the events of Borderlands 2. Take on the role of a Vault Hunter, complete different missions, stop Jack’s rise to power, and uncover the secrets of Elpis while facing off against numerous enemies and challenging bosses.
Scroll through the rest of our dedicated Codes section here at Destructoid if you want to find codes for other games and get step-by-step instructions on how to use them!
Published: Dec 2, 2024 08:19 am