One of the most highly anticipated fighting game releases outside of the big three, 2XKO will allow players to take control of their favorite League of Legends champions in 2v2 battles where team synergy and mastery are the keys to success.
But given how League's roster is composed of more than 160+ playable characters, it's a given that the large majority of them won't be featured in the spinoff. So that you can see if any of your favorites made the cut, here are all of the champions and skins confirmed to be present in 2XKO.
The 2XKO roster is currently composed of Ahri, Yasuo, Darius, Ekko, Illaoi, Braum, and Jinx, with everyone's favorite trouble child being its latest addition. You can check out more on each of the confirmed characters below, which includes a look at all of their already confirmed skins.
One of the first champions ot join the 2XKO roster and an absolute fan favorite, Ahri is a rush-down character who excels at applying pressure from both close and mid-range. She also has in her projectiles the right tools to keep opponents in check and open them up for highly damaging mixups on both the ground and the air.
The only announced skin for the nine-tailed fox in 2XKO is Dynasty Ahri. Like in the original game and as you can see below, apart from her overall look, the skin also changes the color of both her Foxfire orbs and effects to bright pink. Like with each champion's default look, all skins in 2XKO also have color variants.
Equally beloved and hated by the game's community, Yasuo is a character who excels at neutral given his ability to deflect projectiles by performing Wind Wall and the range of his normals/specials. His biggest tool, however, lies in his Calm stance, which enables long-range attacks and can be canceled from any of his specials for extended combos and highly damaging mix-ups.
Bladesong Yasuo is the only Yasuo skin revealed for 2XKO. Featuring a look that led to many Varus comparisons upon its reveal, the skin was —like Dynasty Ahri— made available for the first time during the game's August 2024 Alpha Lab test. No skins apart from Dynasty Ahri and Bladesong Yasuo were revealed at the time of writing.
Featured as part of the game's roster since the world first learned about what would become 2XKO, Darius is a mid-range heavy hitter capable of keeping opponents locked in place through both range and might. That is further amplified by his ability to apply the Wound effect to targets, which boosts your duo's block (or chip) damage against them. But be careful, as the effect will end and need to be reapplied after any member of your team takes damage.
A mix-up machine and one of the game's most technical but rewarding characters, Ekko excels through his ability to perform unthinkable reversals and cross-ups by activating his Z-Drive, which allows him to place afterimages in the field and then rewind to their position at will. As we can expect of a prodigy, he also has in his Attempt #37 Ultimate a great tool, as it can be performed as a counter to either escape tricky situations or finish a match with style.
Even if having in her high-damaging normals and more straightforward specials a great source of damage, Illaoi has in her ability to spam tentacles in the field her biggest differential, as they can either automatically attack opponents or perform follow-ups. That allows the Truth Bearer of Nagakabouros to excel at controlling the tide of battle, all while also being capable of performing extended combos. Just keep in mind that the tentacles can be easily destroyed by a single hit.
A heavy-hitter capable of freezing opponents on the spot, Braun is a character that mixes utility with a solid defense, the latter a fruit of his ability to shield himself and his ally by performing Stand Behind Me. He can also acquire Unbreakable by performing certain moves, which will provide armor. Unbreakable can also be spent to power up many of his specials, such as The Heart of the Freljord, as well as his assists.
The game's newest starting roster addition, which many already knew was coming, Jinx seems to bring to the table exactly what you can expect of a zoner, given her ability to mix up her heavy hammer strikes and keep opponents away with Pow-Pow (her machine-gun) and Fishbones (her rocket launcher), all while also planting plenty of traps.
As shown in her Sneak Peak trailer, she seems to have low mobility, which is expected if we consider the amount of weight she carries. Those looking to test out Jinx will be able to do so for the first time during 2XKO's upcoming Spring 2025 playtest.
2XKO is set to be released in 2025 for both PC and current-gen consoles —PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. As you wait for the game to be released, don't forget to also check out our League of Legends Swarm Tier List.
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]]>The return of one of Sega's flagship franchises is official. A new Virtua Fighter title is currently being developed.
But the announcement wasn't made with a ton of fanfare, or a red carpet parade. In fact, there isn't even a trailer for the new game yet. Instead, Sega's global head of transmedia, Justin Scarpone casually made the reveal during an interview with VGC:
So we have a suite of titles in development right now that fall into that legacy bucket, which we announced last year at The Game Awards; Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, Streets of Rage, Shinobi, and we have another Virtua Fighter being developed.
It's incredibly surprising that a reveal of this magnitude was done in such a relaxed manner. Although Virtua Fighter isn't as culturally relevant as it was in the past, it's still a hefty intellectual property and was the first 3D fighter ever. Still, the fighting game community is already abuzz with rumors and speculation on what to expect from Sega.
The biggest question is whether or not the title in development is the long-awaited Virtua Fighter 6, or yet another update of an older game in the series. And this is a fair inquiry, considering for nearly 20 years the franchise received only updates to Virtua Fighter 5.
Most recently, Sega released Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown, a 2021 PlayStation 4 exclusive, which leads us to the next big question concerning the new game: Will Sega release the new Virtua Fighter on more than Sony consoles? This topic wasn't addressed in Scarpone's interview, and gamers likely won't know how little information was made public for a while.
Further down the line, features like rollback netcode, crossplay, online training mode, and replay takeover will be hot topics for discourse concerning the new installment, and hopefully more details become known sooner rather than later.
Until then, fighting game enthusiasts can rest easy knowing Virtua Fighter is back.
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]]>If you're still looking to improve your collection and get more resources in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, the Shenron summonings can be highly beneficial.
Shenron is one of the different summoning types available in the game. To summon him, you'll need to gather seven Dragon Balls. You can choose between five different types of wishes, but not all of them are the same. Here's my ranking of the five different summons, from least to most helpful.
Do note that this ranking is based on personal preferences, and the order will change based on your current collection and factors like how much Zeni you might already have.
5. I Want More Titles
Sure, you can get some exclusive titles by wishing to Shenron, and they can be really cool if you want to show them off to your friends. That said, farming Dragon Balls to spend on wishes seems a tad foolish to me. At the end of the day, the titles, exclusive or not, don't offer any in-game advantage, and spending your hard-earned resources might not be the most advisable thing to do.
4. I Want New Outfits
This entry can be swapped with I Want More Zeni if you love the alternate outfits provided by Shenron. He can grant you alternate outfits for Roshi, Krillin, Yamcha, and Goku. Unfortunately, outfits are purely cosmetic, and there are plenty of other methods to get them aside from spending your Dragon Balls.
3. I Want More Zeni
In my book, Zeni is the most helpful resource as it can be used to get Ability items and fighters alike. Shenron can grant you 300,000 Zeni, which will instantly help you get access to some of the better characters. Similarly, the Ability items can be handy to help you clear a few challenging stages. That said, you'll soon find that earning Zeni in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero isn't a difficult task.
2. I Want You to Raise My Player Level
Similar to Zeni, your level will go up as you complete more fights. But getting a wish will help you accelerate quicker and unlock more items in the shop. Leveling up goes down in importance with time, but when you're just getting started with the game, a boost to your player levels will be immensely helpful.
1. I Want to Complete an Episode Battle
If you make this wish, you'll get a Dragon Orb. This resource is incredibly helpful in unlocking the Sparking episodes. Sparking episodes are what-if-styled alternate storylines that are available for eight different characters. To unlock them, you'll often have to complete secondary objectives of specific episodes. That problem can be solved by using a Dragon Orb, and it can be beneficial to clear some of the harder second challenges.
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]]>One of the first basics to master in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is the controls, which will help you to get better in the game.
While the control layouts vary based on your platform, the overall system is pretty precise. If you're on consoles, you can also choose between two different layouts - Classic and Standard. Both systems have some core differences, along with separate button inputs. Let's take a look at the controls for Dragon Ball Sparking Zero on all available platforms.
Controls | Input |
Move | L-stick |
Hide Guide | L-stick down |
Camera Movement | R-stick |
Revenge Counter | R-stick down |
Ki Blast/Rush Chain / Transformation/Fusion Panel 2 / Switch Panel 2 / Emote Panel Option 2 / Assist/Details | Y |
Super Perception / Back / Transformation/Fusion Panel 3 / Switch Panel 3 / Emote Panel Option 3 | B |
Short Dash/Step / Confirm / Transformation/Fusion Panel 4 / Switch Panel 4 / Emote Panel Option 4 | A |
Melee / Transformation/Fusion Panel 1 / Switch Panel 1 / Emote Panel Option 1 / Confirm Support/Preview | X |
Ascend/Jump / Move Transformation/Fusion Panel left / Switch: Previous | LB |
Descend / Switch Support: Previous | LT |
Guard / Move Transformation/Fusion Panel Right / Switch: Next | RB |
Ki Charge / Switch Support: Next | RT |
Skills | D-pad |
Show/Hide Transformation/Fusion Panel | D-pad up |
Show/Hide Emote Panel | D-pad down |
Show/Hide Switch Panel | D-pad left |
Controls | Input |
Move | L-stick |
Show/Hide Emote Panel | L-stick down |
Camera Movement | R-stick |
Show/Hide Transformation/Fusion Panel | R-stick down |
Show/Hide Switch Panel | L-stick down + R-stick down |
Blast 1 / Rush Chain / Assist/Details | Y |
Blast 2 | D-pad up + Y |
Ultimate Blast | D-pad down + Y |
Skill 1 / Guard / Back | B |
Skill 2 | D-pad up + B |
Step/Short Dash / Confirm | A |
Rush Attack / Confirm Support/Preview | X |
Revenge Counter / Move Transformation/Fusion Switch Left / Switch: Previous | LB |
Ki Charge / Switch Support: Previous | LT |
Ascend/Jump / Move Transformation/Fusion Switch Right / Switch: Next | RB |
Descent / Switch Support: Next | RT |
Controls | Input |
Move | L-stick |
Hide Guide | L-stick down |
Camera Movement | R-stick |
Revenge Counter | R-stick down |
Ki Blast/Rush Chain / Transformation/Fusion Panel 2 / Switch Panel 2 / Emote Panel Option 2 / Assist/Details | Triangle |
Super Perception / Back / Transformation/Fusion Panel 3 / Switch Panel 3 / Emote Panel Option 3 | Circle |
Short Dash/Step / Confirm / Transformation/Fusion Panel 4 / Switch Panel 4 / Emote Panel Option 4 | X |
Melee / Transformation/Fusion Panel 1 / Switch Panel 1 / Emote Panel Option 1 / Confirm Support/Preview | Square |
Ascend/Jump / Move Transformation/Fusion Panel left / Switch: Previous | L1 |
Descend / Switch Support: Previous | L2 |
Guard / Move Transformation/Fusion Panel Right / Switch: Next | R1 |
Ki Charge / Switch Support: Next | R2 |
Skills | D-pad |
Show/Hide Transformation/Fusion Panel | D-pad up |
Show/Hide Emote Panel | D-pad down |
Show/Hide Switch Panel | D-pad left |
Controls | Input |
Move | L-stick |
Show/Hide Emote Panel | L-stick down |
Camera Movement | R-stick |
Show/Hide Transformation/Fusion Panel | R-stick down |
Show/Hide Switch Panel | L-stick down + R-stick down |
Blast 1 / Rush Chain / Assist/Details | Triangle |
Blast 2 | D-pad up + Triangle |
Ultimate Blast | D-pad down + Triangle |
Skill 1 / Guard / Back | Circle |
Skill 2 | D-pad up + Circle |
Step/Short Dash / Confirm | X |
Rush Attack / Confirm Support/Preview | Square |
Revenge Counter / Move Transformation/Fusion Switch Left / Switch: Previous | L1 |
Ki Charge / Switch Support: Previous | L2 |
Ascend/Jump / Move Transformation/Fusion Switch Right / Switch: Next | R1 |
Descent / Switch Support: Next | R2 |
Controls | Input |
Skill 1 / Switch Support: Previous | 1 |
Skill 2 / Assist/Details | 2 |
Blast 1 / Switch Support: Next | 3 |
Blast 2 | 4 |
Ultimate Blast | 5 |
Super Perception / Transformation/Fusion Panel 3 / Switch Panel 3 / Emote Panel Option 3 / Switch: Previous | Q |
Guard / Move Transformation/Fusion Switch Right / Switch: Next | E |
Revenge Counter / Confirm Support/Preview | R |
Short Dash/Step / Transformation/Fusion Panel 4 / Switch Panel 4 / Emote Panel Option 4 / Favorites | F |
Show/Hide Transformation/Fusion Panel / Hide Guide | Z |
Show/Hide Switch Panel | X |
Show/Hide Emote Panel / Switch Camera | C |
Vanishing Assault | V |
Trigger Event | B |
Move Camera Up | Up arrow |
Move Camera Right | Right arrow |
Move Camera Down | Down arrow |
Move Camera Left | Left arrow |
Pause / Options | Tab |
Ki Charge | Ki Charge |
(left) Descend | Ctrl |
Ascend/Jump / Move Transformation/Fusion Switch Left / Confirm | Space |
Back | Back |
Melee / Transformation/Fusion Panel 1 / Switch Panel 1 / Emote Panel Option 1 | LMB |
Ki Blast/Rush Chain / Transformation/Fusion Panel 2 / Switch Panel 2 / Emote Panel Option 2 | RMB |
Move / Move Cursor | WASD |
Move Camera / Increase/Decrease Value / Select Control: Up/Down | Arrow Keys |
If you're on PC, I will still recommend using a controller, as it will help you play the game better.
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]]>Breaking out of combos can be one of the most essential things to do during a fight in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, but it's easier said than done.
When you're playing against the AI at lower difficulties, it's pretty easy to break combos. Moreover, the AI at lower difficulty hardly chains combos in the first place. But that's not the case when you're playing a human opponent or crank up the difficulty of the AI. In such contests, you'll find your opponents attempting plenty of combos, which makes it crucial for you to counter the combos and escape the chain without taking too much damage.
Disclaimer: Standard layout used.
In my experience, Ranked has plenty of players who love to Super Dash towards you. An easy and effective way to stop that is by using your Ki Blast. Just step back and hit them with your Ki Blast. This will stop their dash, and they're also open to getting hit by the Blasts. While there are better ways to counter and escape combos, this is a simple trick that's useful against those who want to spam the Super Dash move.
Out of all available methods, Super Counter is the most complicated maneuver to master. Once you're comfortable with this skill, you'll be able to break any combo move attempt of your opponent and land some mighty punches yourself. To perform a Super Counter, you'll have to press the LS (up) + Square/X.
As effective as Super Counter is, I have found it extremely difficult to time correctly (you're likely going to do better than me). If you can time the move perfectly, you'll avoid every combo/move with high damage. To get better, you can always train against the AI in Super difficulty to build up your muscle memory. That said, Dragon Ball Sparking Zero provides plenty of ways to escape a combo, even if you're not good at Super Counter.
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]]>Porunga is one of the three gods in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero who can make your wishes come true, and quite literally.
If you manage to gather seven Namekian Dragon Balls, you can summon Porunga to appear in front of you. Just like Shenron, he offers four different choices. While you're free to choose any of the four options, it's always better to opt for the best one when starting your adventures. In this article, I have ranked all four wishes from worst to best.
While creating the tier list, I considered the viewpoint of a beginner. When you're just starting out in the game, extra Zeni is pretty useful, and for different reasons.
This option might be a great choice if you're a completionist/have unlocked the entire roster. The titles you gain from Porunga are exclusive, and there is no other way to unlock them. It's a really cool showoff to your friends as well since getting Namekian Dragon Balls is challenging. Out of all the choices when it comes to titles, 'World Domination' is my favorite.
Raising your player level in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero has plenty of benefits. While you can always level up by playing the game, you can boost your growth with help from Porunga. One of the biggest benefits of leveling up is the availability of more items in the shop to buy (even including characters).
Getting Zeni in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero isn't tricky, but they can be highly beneficial when you're just getting started. Compared to Shenron and Super Shenron, you get lesser Zeni from Porunga. This might make the wishes seem less valuable, but they can be pretty useful in the short run.
Ability Items allow you to customize your characters and make them more potent during battles. The Ability Items offered by Porunga are exclusive to the god, and more importantly, they will help you save your Zeni in the process. You can then use your Zeni to unlock more characters from the shop. You can pick between four different items, and my favorite is Broly's Ring. You can wish for this item three times, and it's not available anywhere else for purchase.
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]]>In Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, you'll come across some mighty foes from time to time, and Ultra Instinct Goku can be an absolute nightmare to deal with.
Without any doubt, the Ultra Instinct form in Goku is one of the strongest ones in the game, and it's not fun when you've to defeat that. You'll come across Ultra Instinct Goku in one of Jiren's episode battle campaigns, and completing the task can be a considerable challenge. Thankfully, you can ease your life by understanding a few tips and tricks that will make your job a lot simpler.
You go up against Ultra Instinct Goku in the second last episode of Jiren's Sparking episode. Titled "The Defeated," this is the hardest fight I have come across so far. Before you can face up against Goku, you'll need to defeat Android 17, SSGSS Vegeta, and Golden Frieza.
Incidentally, you'll start your fight against Goku in his normal form. Right when you think about getting the better of him, Goku transforms into his Ultra Instinct form (yes, it's as demoralizing as it sounds).
In Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, you can button-mash and defeat some opponents (at least in lower difficulty). Ultra Instinct Goku is not that opponent, and I haven't seen anyone dodge close attacks better. What makes him a bigger threat is the amount of damage done by his simple Ki blasts. Keeping these factors in mind, here's what you can do to defeat him with Jiren.
Defeating Ultra Instinct Goku isn't easy - while these tips will work, you'll still need to use your skills to execute them. The chances of something going wrong are high, and you might find yourself in tough spots quite often. Feel free to restart if you feel that your plans/attempts to dodge damage early on have failed. That will save you time and energy, and you can avoid repeating the mistakes as well.
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]]>Vegeta is my second favorite character in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, and his Sparking episodes allow you to explore two unique alternate storylines.
Vegeta is one of the eight characters present in the Episode battle mode, and his main saga is pretty solid canonically. But if you want to enjoy different endings, there are two Sparking episodes to explore - Parental Bond and Number One Spot. Both alternate storylines require you to play the main saga and complete some additional objectives. Let's first take a look at how you can access Parental Bond.
In the Wind-Up Doll quest, you'll fight against Android 18. To unlock Parental Bond, you'll have to defeat Android 18 as quickly as possible. For such quests, I keep a timer of three minutes as a boundary. Additionally, you can't fully defeat Android 18, so you will have to simply reduce her health.
Once you've defeated Android 18, you'll face Trunks in the next episode. You'll unlock an extra path towards the main path if you fail against Trunks.
In the Wicked Heart episodes, you'll come across Babidi. If you want to not succumb to his Brainwashing, a hidden objective has to be completed. To do so, you'll have to defeat Trunks in the Preparing for the World Tournament episode. You can't change the default difficulty setting and must not take too many hits from Trunks.
If you manage to complete the hidden objective successfully, you'll get the chance to withstand Babidi's Brainwashing and unlock the Number One Spot Sparking episode inside the game. The Number One Spot is an interesting storyline, but I like Parental Bond more. Unlike characters like Goku and Future Trunks, Vegeta doesn't have a third Sparking episode to unlock.
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]]>Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is off to a flying start after the completion of the first week of its global launch, but there are plenty more things to come.
In case you own the Deluxe or Ultimate Edition of the game, you'll be able to access several additional content in the near future. Bandai Namco has already announced that there will be post-launch DLCs. While the Japanese studio hasn't yet announced the exact release date and contents of those DLCs, there's confirmation about the launch windows.
As of this writing, the exact launch date for the future DLCs remains unknown. However, Bandai Namco has already confirmed the launch windows on Dragon Ball Sparking Zero's official Steam page. Based on the current plans, there will be three DLCs, and here are their release windows.
DLC | Release Window |
DLC 1 | Q1 2025 |
DLC 2 | Q1 2025 |
DLC 3 | Q2 2025 |
Unless there are further delays, I expect the first DLC to launch in January 2025, followed by the second one in March of the same year. The third one could launch in May/June, keeping a systematic gap between all three DLCs. Of course, this is just my own prediction and not based on any leaks/rumors from Bandai Namco.
Bandai Namco has remained tight-lipped about which characters will appear as part of the three future DLCs. It's almost certain that Cell 1 and Cell 2 will be released in one of those DLCs as they have been part of promotional material. Moreover, there will be a strong influence of two sources on the upcoming characters - Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero and Dragon Ball Daima.
In fact, Goku (Mini) from Dragon Ball: Daima is already present in the game. I am expecting alternate forms of Gohan and Piccolo to be released as well since they were an important part of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. It's too early to predict regarding Dragon Ball: Daima until we have access to at least a few more episodes.
If you don't own the Deluxe or Ultimate Edition of Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, you can pick up the Season Pass separately for $34.99. If you go for a standalone purchase, it's better to wait for now till Bandai Namco shares more confirmed information in the upcoming months.
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]]>Goku is undoubtedly one of the main characters in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, and there are plenty of storylines to enjoy.
While Goku has a dedicated episodic story, he has three different Sparking episodes. These are alternate storylines that don't follow the canon and allow you to explore what-if scenarios. Unlike the main episode, the three Sparking episodes remain locked. There are specific tasks you'll need to complete in order to unlock the alternate storylines and progress through them.
First, let's take a look at how to unlock the Side by Side episode.
The Side by Side is a fantastic storyline where Goku stands up against Raditz and all the fellow Saiyans. To trigger this episode, you'll have to reject Piccolo's help to fight Raditz. Instead, you'll have to accept Krillin's help for the same job, which is then followed by the remaining episodes.
The fight against Vegeta is a true sight to behold for every hardcore Dragon Ball fan.
Unlocking Pushing the Limit is pretty similar to triggering Side by Side. In Side by Side, you choose to take help from Krillin to defeat Raditz. To activate Pushing the Limit, you'll have to accept Piccolo's help, but Raditz has to be defeated before Piccolo executes the Special Beam Cannon. You should ideally target to defeat Raditz within three minutes, as that's a safe number to consider.
This episode features two memorable contests between Goku and Vegeta, and the former also faces Nappa.
You can only unlock this Sparking episode by making decent progress in Goku's main saga, where you end up going against Cell. You'll get the choice to face off against Cell during Piccolo's fight against Android 17. You'll have to defeat Cell without a single hit from the Solar Flare.
The last Sparking episode is all about Goku's trysts against the Androids. It's not among the favorite alternate storylines for sure, but you might like it. Additionally, Goku's main saga also has several smaller branches, so make sure to try them out after finishing the main storyline for additional rewards and alternate endings.
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]]>With over 180 characters in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, it's never easy to separate the best from the rest.
While your available roster is slightly limited at start, you'll quickly start to unlock new characters. This even includes characters like Goku (Mini), who comes with the Ultimate/Deluxe Edition of the game. Others like SSJ4 Gogeta can be unlocked by fulfilling certain gameplay conditions. That said, let's take a look at how the current fighters can be ranked across different tiers.
The available rosters have all be ranked in the following tiers.
If you want a simpler system to differentiate between the fighters, you can simply judge by their DP requirements in Ranked battles in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
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]]>Dragon Ball Sparking Zero's Ranked mode is the ultimate test of your arena fighting skills, and it's also a great way to get better at the game.
There are plenty of different modes to enjoy in the latest Dragon Ball titles, including offline showdowns and episodic sagas. While some are targeted towards casual fun, others will allow you to relive iconic moments from the Dragon Ball saga. Ranked, in comparison, is quite different from the other modes, and there's a strong emphasis on team building.
The Ranked mode can be broken down into two types.
That's all when it comes to the Ranked mode in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. While Single Battles don't rely much on strategy, the same can't be said about DP Battles.
To shine in DP Battles, the main idea is to get a balance between the number of fighters you're using and how effective they're in fights. The first thing to avoid is characters in their strongest forms. For example, a fighter like Goku in his SSGSS form will cost 8 DP, while his normal form will only cost 5 DP. You can easily power him up in a fight to unlock his SSGSS form without locking the extra DP.
I find using three great fighters a sweet spot, but you can also opt for 4 of them. Out of the 4, any two will share the bulk of winning the fight, while the remaining two will serve a supporting role. You could use five fighters, but you'll end up without mid-tier fighters, and frankly, you shouldn't require five of them to win a battle.
Note that not all characters can transform, so check out our guide on how to transform during a battle.
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]]>SSJ4 Gogeta is one of the most exciting characters to use in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, but he's one of those who remain locked at first.
While the latest Dragon Ball fighter has over 180 characters to choose from, many of them are locked. Thankfully, you can unlock almost all of them, including Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, by just playing the game. However, the unlocking method often varies from character to character; hence, knowing the steps will help you save time and energy.
Unlike characters like Goku (Mini), you don't need to own the Deluxe or Ultimate Edition to get SSJ4 Gogeta. In fact, once you go to Zeno's Stamp Book, you should be able to see exactly what needs to be done to unlock Gogeta's Super Saiyan 4 version.
A second method is also available, which allows you to unlock SSJ4 Gogeta from the shop. For this method, you must have a player level of 10 or more. Once you've reached player level 10, the character should be available for purchase from the shop.
This isn't my preferred method, as you'll need to spend 120,000 Zeni. Spending Zeni on a character that can be unlocked for free makes no sense. While getting Zeni in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero isn't difficult at all, it's better to save them for items/characters that can't be unlocked by another method.
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]]>Ability items in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero can often make a massive difference, especially so if you're participating in a challenging battle.
There are several ways to obtain these Ability items inside the game. While some are exclusive to summonings from Shenron and Porunga, others can be found inside the shop. You can simply spend your Zeni to buy them and use them for any character you like. With 50 different choices, it can be hard to select the best ones to use.
I have considered only the effect of the Ability items when judging the best ones. Some of these items might be pretty hard to unlock or purchase, but their in-game effects in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero will make it worth the extra effort.
Ability Item name | Effect | Reason |
Fury | Increases Blast Attack power based on lost health pool | Can be extremely useful towards the ending stages of fights, as your lower health pool will boost the power of your Blast Attacks. |
Rising Tension | Gradually recovers Ki during a battle | Pretty useful, especially for characters who use more Ki bars in attack. |
Combo Master | Consecutive combo attacks deal increased damage | Good choice for any character, but you'll have to be good at chaining different combos. |
Energy Saver | Reduces Ki requirements for Rush and Smash Ki Blasts | Very good for those characters who actively depend on their Ki attacks. |
Master Throw | Throw moves have more power | Throws can be an excellent way to change the momentum of a fight, and what can be better than increasing their power! |
Dende's Healing Ability | Gradual health recovery in battles | Good choice for beginners who might not be very good with counters and dodges. |
Water's Blessing | Gradually recovers Health and Ki in water | Great item, but has certain limitations. Choose this based on the map. |
Latent Power Unleashed 2 | Start with two extra Ki gauges | Very good item when it comes to fighting the AI to farm Dragon Balls. |
Master Strike | Increases power for Rush, Smash, and Rush Chain attacks, and reduces max health | All round damage buff. |
Warming Up | Greater healthy recovery in Team Battles | Effective way to recover health, but only in team battles. |
Getting some of these items can be difficult, but thankfully, you can always have a cheaper substitute for many of them. For example, certain items have a cheaper alternative (although their effects aren't as good as their upgraded versions).
All things considered, I have yet to encounter a stage where not having an Ability item has prevented me from clearing it. That said, it's always beneficial to store a few of the ones mentioned on this list for the tougher quests.
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]]>If you're tired of Babidi's Brainwashing in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero's Episode battle mode, there's a way to avoid the conclusion and unlock a fresh storyline in the process.
The Episode battle mode re-enacts some of the iconic moments from the Dragon Ball series inside the game. However, there are plenty of alternate storylines as well, popularly known as Sparking episodes. You'll have to complete certain tasks before you can unlock them, and this is also true for Vegeta's Number One Spot Sparking episode. To unlock that, you'll need to learn how to not succumb to Brainwashing in one of the episodes on the main storyline.
Unless you complete certain prerequisites, you won't be given the chance to shake off Babidi's Brainwashing. To get the option, you'll need to complete the Preparing for the World Tournament episode in Vegeta's Wicked Heart saga in the default difficulty setting.
However, that's only part of it - to complete the hidden objective, you'll need to avoid taking too many hits (or absorb too much damage. The information isn't available on the main screen, unlike other episodes, which can make it quite confusing for players.
Now, you can follow your own strategy to defeat Trunks, but focus more on charging your Ki whenever you get the chance. You'll have to rely heavily on your Ki blasts and then execute the Cosmic Circle as the episode comes to an end. Do remember that all you've to do is reduce Trunks' health to complete the episode, and get the option to shake off Brainwashing.
If you choose to do so, it will also trigger the Number One Spot Sparking episode. If you want to learn how to complete the alternate storyline, make sure to check out our guide to explore all of Vegeta's Sparking episodes in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
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]]>One of the best ways to make your Dragon Ball Sparking Zero experience far more rewarding is by making your summoning wishes to Porunga.
To summon Porunga, you'll need the Namekian Dragon Balls, which have to be earned by grinding the game. But that's not all, since there are a few more conditions as well. Let's take a look at how you can unlock this character and the easiest way to complete the process. Additionally, we will also explore the different wishes you can make after summoning the
To get the wishes from Porunga, you'll first need to summon. To do that, you're going to need seven Namekian Dragon Balls in your inventory. These dragon balls are different from the other types, which are used to summon Shenron and Super Shenron. Once you've seven, you'll be able to call upon Porunga, who will grant you wishes to unlock.
The best way to get Namekian Dragon Balls is to defeat the AI in combat. While you can do this quite easily, here's our guide to make the entire process a lot more efficient. If you follow the steps mentioned in our guide, you'll be able to find Shenron Dragon Balls as well and raise the proficiency level of your characters.
Do note that, ultimately, getting Namekian Dragon Balls is a matter of luck. But the right process will help you farm a lot of them in a quick time.
In this case, the wishes granted to you will be slightly different from those of Shenron. Shenron offers a wider variety of stuff, but Porunga allows you to have more items. Here are the different things you can get from your wishes.
Personally, I think going for Ability items is the best choice unless you're desperate for Zeni. While the latter will help you unlock more fighters, it's really easy to get the resource. Moreover, the Ability items you get from Porunga (and Shenron) are exclusive to them.
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]]>Namekian Dragon Balls are freely obtainable in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, but getting them at a consistent level can be slightly difficult.
Dragon Balls, much like the original lore, are required to make summons (slightly different from what we were used to seeing in the anime and reading in the manga). Thankfully, there are no microtransactions and stuff, which means that the only way to get these magical items is by playing the game. Unfortunately, you can end up spending a huge number of hours if you don't know what you're doing in the first place while trying to find Namekian Dragon Balls.
The Namekian Dragon Balls are used to summon Porunga, and like other types, you can keep a maximum of seven in your inventory. But first, you'll have to earn them, and to do so, you'll have to defeat the AI in solo battle. I have absolutely no idea why it only works against the AI in offline battles, but that's the case.
Now, the simple but inefficient way to complete the process is by playing against the AI. But there's no fixed number when it comes to completing fights, and it's best to avoid this process. Instead, you can use the World Tournament to set up your fights and make the process faster. But before that, here's the simple process (but it will take longer).
By all means, farming in the World Tournament is a lot better, and for multiple reasons.
Once the process is complete, repeat it till you have the Namekian Dragon Balls in your inventory. Do note that the drop rate of Namekian Dragon Balls is less than that of Shenron Dragon Balls. But if done correctly, these steps will take less than a minute to complete. It's a way more efficient process than just randomly battling the AI in the hope of finding Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
From what I found on the internet, the AI difficulty doesn't matter in terms of the drop rate of these precious items. However, I am yet to ascertain that in my play sessions, so it's something you should keep in mind if your luck isn't exactly rewarding.
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]]>If there's one currency in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero that runs out pretty fast, it is Dragon Balls.
When you're playing the game for the first time and completing the Stamp Book, you'll get plenty of this resource. Once that part is complete, finding both the Shenron and Porunga Dragon Balls can become very difficult. Thankfully, there's a pretty handy way to get these mythical balls quickly, which will also help you to raise the proficiency level of your characters.
Like every other video game, farming here refers to a systematic and sustainable way of getting a resource (Dragon Balls, in this case). This method doesn't exploit any cheat/bug, and you can keep getting plenty of balls by simply playing.
Before we begin with the process, there are two prerequisites you need to fulfill.
If you're short of funds, just use a character whose Ki Blast requires two Ki bars.
Press the R2 and Square buttons to execute a Ki blast, and press the start/options button. This will skip the dialog, and your character will perform the Ki blast first thing in the battle. This will cause your AI opponent to fly outside the ring, and you get to score an out-of-bounds win. If you fail to do this, simply restart (rather than wasting your time to get a legitimate out-of-bounds win).
In my experience, you get a Shenron Dragon Ball after 7 fights on average. Porunga Dragon Balls can take a lot more attempts (it took me 27 attempts to get the first one). That said, it takes about 40 seconds to complete one of these fights, so you can easily get at least a few Dragon Balls in an hour or two.
Make sure you're not maxing out the total number of balls you can hold at a given time (seven) in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
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]]>Dragon Ball Sparking Zero isn't even a week old, and there are already accusations of cheaters spoiling the experience of some users by abusing the Ki refill system.
In all fairness, it's not necessary to play online to enjoy Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. The offline side has plenty of amazing content in it to keep you engaged for tens of hours at least. But playing online against other players is a great way to test your skills, as long as everyone plays fair. Unfortunately, a clip has surfaced that clearly shows that at least a small part of the community could be cheating (unintentionally, perhaps) to win unfairly.
Things have been going pretty smoothly for Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, which has received plenty of positive reactions from fans all over the world. Unfortunately, at least a small part of the community might be misusing a mod to behave unfairly in online contests.
Based on the post made by Reddit user JokingBR2The-Sequel, a minute-long clip showcases a worrying incident. While the OP was using Gogeta, the opponent was using Kefla. Unfortunately for the OP, any attempts to raise Gogeta's Ki bars were interrupted by Kefla consistently spamming her super, Gigantic Ray.
As visible on the clip itself, Kefla's Ki bar never reduced irrespective of how many times Gigantic Ray was spammed. That shouldn't have been the case in the first place. It's pretty clear that the Kefla user was using cheats of some kind, and the possible reason could have been a mod on Nexusmods.
Several users on the Reddit post mentioned how a mod used to reduce the costs of Ultimate Blast and Z Burst Dash to 0 somehow managed to work online. The last time I checked using the link, the mod had been deleted (thankfully). For the record, the mod shouldn't have worked online, but it did, which also showcases that Dragon Ball Sparking Zero might not have any anti-cheat software on it.
With the mod now removed, one can only hope that the game's online experience will be free of any form of unfair gameplay. Be it Ranked or casual, online battles should test player skills and their ability to control the characters they choose.
Recharging or refilling your Ki bar is pretty easy - just press the R2 button. But yes, you can't just keep it pressed at all times, as recharging will leave you vulnerable to attacks. Similarly, performing your attacking moves like Ki Blast will also empty the bar (otherwise, people will just abuse the system from a distance and never get into melee combat).
If you do notice a user's Ki bar recharging automatically at any point, this could be another mod mentioned by a Reddit user in the comments of the above Reddit post.
Hopefully, these reports in the Dragon Ball Sparking Zero community will not reoccur, and players worldwide will be able to enjoy the gameplay without any form of undue influence.
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]]>If you're a fan of Future Trunks in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, there are plenty of different paths to explore.
Future Trunks is one of the eight characters available in Episode battle mode, but that needs to be unlocked first. Once you've completed Chapter 7 in Goku's saga, you'll get to play through all the branching paths in Future Trunks. There are three alternate storylines to explore in the form of this Sparking episode.
Future Trunks has the following alternate storylines to enjoy.
To access Shining Hope, you'll need to complete the Twisted World Episode, where you go up against Goku Black and Zamasu. You'll need to defeat your opponents as quickly as possible; as a target for such quests, I always try to complete them within three minutes.
Episode | How to complete |
Settling Score with Zamasu | After learning how to trap Zamasu, Future Trunks returns to the future to join Vegeta and his allies. To complete the episode, simply reduce Zamasu's health. |
Save the Future, Trunks | In the final episode, you get to fight and defeat Goku Black. Doing so will complete Shining Hope, and trigger a cinematic that explains how Future Trunks saves the world by defeating Zamasu and Goku Black. |
To trigger Embarking Toward Tomorrow, choose "Go with Gohan" in Father or Teamwork (we will come back to this in the next Sparking episode as well).
Episode | How to complete |
Unstoppable Power | Future Trunks chooses to work with his allies in Tournament of Power. First, you'll have to reduce Kale's health to complete the episode. |
Trustworthy Companion | Next, you'll face off against Dyspo and Toppo from Universe 11. Like Kale, reduce their health to begin the final episode. |
Rage Takes Aim | The final battle puts you up against Jiren, who will fight with full force. Reduce his health to defeat him, and complete the Embarking Toward Tomorrow episode. |
When you are in Trunk's Choice episode in the main storyline, choose to stay in the present. This will let you access the Inherited Pride storyline, and instantly pit you against Gohan, Piccolo, and Vegeta. All you need to do is reduce their health by half to proceed.
Episode | How to complete |
Father or Teamwork | Follow Vegeta and defeat Cabba to continue to the next episode. |
Vegeta's Promise | You go up against Saiyans from Universe 6 in the Tournament of Power. Defeat the duo of Kale and Caulifla to approach the final episode. |
Surpass God, Trunks! | In the final episode, defeat Toppo to complete the Inherited Pride storyline. |
Completing the three Sparking episodes will help you unravel new storylines with fresh endings. You'll also earn Zeni and player EXP, both of which are useful as you continue your in-game grind.
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]]>Ability items allow you to tweak your characters in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero and help you make them even more powerful.
These capsules can be picked up while playing the game, and when activated, they will provide a few massive buffs to your chosen characters. When used properly, these capsules can help you clear a tough piece of content without breaking too much of a sweat. Let's take a look at all the ability item capsules you can find in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
When selecting an Ability Item capsule to use in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, you'll want to pay attention to what they do exactly. Using the wrong capsule will simply lead to its waste.
Ability Item Capsule | Effect |
Melee Charge 1 | Slightly reduces charging time for Smash Attacks and Rush Chains |
Ki Blast Charge 1 | Slightly reduces charging time for Smash Ki Blasts |
Ki Blast Attack Boost 1 | Slight increases power for Rush Ki Blasts and Smash Ki Blasts |
Rush Ki Blast 1 | Slightly increases speed for Rush Ki Blasts |
Rush Ki Blast Count Boast | Increases max count of Rush Ki Blasts by two. |
Master Ki Blast | Increases speed of Rush Ki Blasts. Reduces Ki requirement for Rush and Smash Ki Blasts, along with max health |
Fury | Increases Blast Attack power based on lost health pool |
Divine Blow | Increases power of Ultimate Blasts |
Ki Control | Reduces Ki requirements of Dragon Dashes, and increases Ki recovery. |
Combo Master | Consecutive combo attacks deal increased damage |
Combo King | Consecutive combo attacks deal increased damage |
Active Heart | Slightly increases Ki Recovery from Rush attacks |
Ready for Anything | Increases Ki Recovery on Standby in Team Battles |
Rising Tension | Gradually recovers Ki during a battle |
Z-Burst Dash Master | Halves Ki requirement for Z-Burst Dashes |
Indomitable Fighting Spirit | Greater Ki Recovery after Rush attack |
Energy Saver | Reduces Ki requirements for Rush and Smash Ki Blasts |
Super Transformation | Reduces Skill count by 1 for Fusions and Transformations |
High-Speed Movement Master | Greatly reduces Defense. Reduces amount of Sparking gauge for Super Movements |
Super Moment Master | Slightly reduces amount of Sparking gauge requirement for Super Movements. Greatly reduces Defense |
Style of the Strong | Longer Sparking mode |
Crisis Avoided | Short Dashes have lower Ki requirements |
Exquisite Skill | Reduced Recovery time while stunned or restrained. Opponent has longer recovery time while stunned and restrained |
Sparking! Plus | Reduces defense, and longer Sparking mode |
Latent Power Unleashed 1 | Start with an extra Ki gauge |
Latent Power Unleashed 2 | Start with two extra Ki gauges |
Performer | Better Blast Attack power for a limited time after an emote |
Blast Attack Boost 1 | Increased Blast and Ultimate Blast attack power |
Rush Attack Boost 1 | Rush Attack power increases slightly |
Smash Attack Boost 1 | Smash Attack and Chain Attack powers increase slightly |
Miracle Master | When downed, dodge attacks automatically (excludes Ki Blasts) |
Master Strike | Increases power for Rush, Smash, and Rush Chain attacks, and reduces max health |
Master Throw | Throw moves have more power |
Speed Up | Short Dashes have lesser Ki requirement |
Mind Breaker | Increases damage dealt after Guard Clash |
Warming Up | Greater healthy recovery in Team Battles |
Battle Control | Greater Switch gauge recovery in Team Battles |
Master Roshi Training | Slightly increases maximum health |
Dende's Healing Ability | Gradual health recovery in battles |
Dragon Rush | Greater chances to stun opponents using Rush attack |
Dragon Assault | Vanishing Assaults have lesser Ki requirement |
Dragon Spirit | Greater Skill gauge recovery |
Dragon Break | Dragon Homing use increases by one |
Vanishing Break | Vanishing Attack use increases by one |
Power Unleashed | Burst Rush has increases attack power |
Finishing Blow | Burst Meteor has increased attack power |
Broly's Ring | Prevents Transformations and Fusions |
Water's Blessing | Gradually recovers Health and Ki in water |
Guard Master | Immunity from Guard Clashes |
Mirage | Automatically dodge Barrage Blast after dodging with High-Speed Movement or High-Speed Evasion |
You can get Ability Item capsules for free in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero by completing missions. However, the drops are purely random, so you can't rely on this process. Instead, it's better to buy them from the in-game shop using Zeni. This is the best way to get the capsules. Finally, Shenron summoning also has certain capsules that are exclusive to it.
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]]>If you're not satisfied with the massive cast of characters in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, Goku (Mini) is one specific form that could be on your bucket list.
It's pretty clear that Dragon Ball DAIMA will have a fair share of influence on at least a few of the characters inside the game. While it's expected that the upcoming characters in future DLCs could have a fair few from those who are present in the new show, you can already play with Goku (Mini) in the game. Unlike most of the unlockable characters in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, the smaller form of Goku's accessibility will be an issue for some.
In case you still need to purchase the game, Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is available in three different editions - Standard, Digital Deluxe, and Ultimate. As of writing, Goku (Mini) is locked as part of the Deluxe and Ultimate Editions.
Goku (Mini) is also available if you pre-ordered the physical copy from certain retailers. But that's no longer possible since Dragon Ball Sparking Zero was released worldwide on October 11. If you have pre-ordered a physical copy, a code will be sent to you via email. If you purchase the digital version (Deluxe or Ultimate), Goku (Mini) will be available immediately inside the game.
While he's not a must-have character, given the already massive roster, Goku (Mini) is pretty different from his other forms. The Mini form has two main moves - Sleep and Warm-up Exercise. Sleep lets him recover his lost HP, while the latter enables him to buff up three different stat points to provide a temporary boost.
It's unclear if Bandai Namco will allow Standard Edition owners to unlock the character inside the game. So far, the only way to play with him is by buying the two more expensive editions of the game.
While the smaller form of Goku might not be unlockable for everyone, there are plenty of things you can access by just playing the game. This includes new characters via Shenron summonings, and here's our guide about it.
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]]>If you're playing Dragon Ball Sparking Zero on PC, there is a cool way to play local co-op with your buddy while splitting the display into two parts.
No, there's no official way you can get the view for two players on one screen simultaneously. On PC, however, a mod is already available to remove this limitation without having any noticeable effect on the performance. Let's take a look at how you can enable this amazing mod across eligible maps, which will let you prove your arena fighter skills against your friend.
To enable the split-screen, you'll need to download the "Let's Fight Somewhere Else!" mod from Nexusmods. The credit belongs to user Sora101Ven, who was kind enough to create the mod and also mention the detailed steps you'll need to use it.
Before you can use the Let's Fight Somewhere Else mod, you'll need to install the UE4SS and UETOC. The former allows functions overriding in Unreal Engine, while the latter allows mods to activate on games built in the newer Unreal Engine variants.
First, let's complete the steps to install UE4SS and UETOC.
Now, we can install the mod. Assuming you've downloaded it already, go back to the SparkingZero subfolder.
If installed successfully, you'll be able to see the UI directly inside Dragon Ball Sparking Zero by simply pressing the M button. If you choose to utilize the mod, make sure to check for the latest updates, as its capabilities have already increased from its original state.
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]]>In Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, the Episode battle mode allows you to enjoy some amazing storylines featuring your favorite characters.
In total, eight characters are present in the Episode battle mode, but two of them remain locked - Future Trunks and Jiren. Thankfully, you can unlock the paths for both by just playing the game. Doing so not only lets you play out their canonical storyline, but both also have alternate Sparking episodes present. Without wasting any time, let's take a look at how you can unlock and play with Jiren and Future Trunks in the episode battle mode.
While unlocking Sparking episodes in certain cases can be quite difficult, getting access to Jiren and Future Trunks in Episode mode is easy.
To unlock episodes for both, you'll need to play through Goku's saga. To be more specific, you'll have to end Universe Survival Arc to get access to Jiren's episodes. Similarly, you'll need to complete the Future Trunks Arc to unlock the episodes for Future Trunks. Both these tasks can be achieved in Chapter 7 of Goku's Saga. Incidentally, you'll always begin with Goku when starting Episode battle mode for the first time.
It took me close to two hours to unlock, but it can take less time if you finish your previous quests quicker (quite possibly, given my abilities as a Dragon Ball Sparking Zero player).
Between the two, Future Trunks' saga is a lot more elaborate. He has more episodes for both Canon and Sparking. Jiren's story is a lot more linear, and the episodes don't change a lot based on canon or Sparking (although the ending changes). Ultimately, unlocking the two sagas will not only help you explore greater parts of the story and gain more exp and Zeni while doing so.
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]]>Frieza is one of those rare characters in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero who has a what-if-styled alternate storyline that you can unlock and enjoy.
Sparking episodes are only available for a few characters, but they certainly allow you to have deeper engagement with the characters. These episodes are different from the default canon, and the endings are extremely surprising, to say the least. Unlike the canonical episodes, the Sparking variants usually offer an alternate storyline entirely.
Every Sparking episode needs you to fulfill certain task in order to unlock it in the first place. In the case of Frieza Force Joins the Fray, you'll have to defeat the mighty duo of Goku and Vegeta, and you've to do it pretty quickly. It's safe to keep a countdown of three minutes in order to unlock the alternate storyline.
This will be slightly hard to do, and you could fail a few times. Defeating the duo isn't that hard, but doing so within the required time frame makes it pretty hard. If you manage to do it successfully, the first and only episode of Frieza Force Joins the Fray will unlock.
The episode begins with Lord Beerus appearing to stop Frieza from decimating Goku and Vegeta. Frieza is surprised at the interference but decides to spare the fallen Saiyans. As a condition, Lord Beerus promises him Dragon Balls to revive his allies.
The next step involves Frieza choosing one of the four options:
All four options have different outcomes, and I went with reviving the Ginyu Force. The next phase involves Frieza and the Ginyu Force taking part in the Tournament of Power and defeating two different opponents. This will end the Frieza Force Joins the Fray episode in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. As a reward, you'll earn a special photo moment and Zeni, which can be used to expand your collection.
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]]>Dragon Ball Sparking Zero finally allows one of my favorite characters, aka Piccolo, to come to the limelight and move out from the shadow of being a side character.
Thanks to his Sparking episode "A Mentor's Guidance," you can enjoy a really cool what-if scenario with Piccolo. As with any Sparking episode, you'll first need to complete a specific task to trigger the episode. Then, you'll need to complete the tasks according to their conditions to finish the episode and unlock different rewards in that process.
It's pretty easy to trigger A Mentor's Guidance (when compared to Goku Black's Sparking episode, for instance). All you've to do is to help out Goku in his battle with Android 19. This moment also changes how the entire episode of Goku against the Androids plays out.
Episode | How to complete |
Rescue Goku | You ask Goku to leave and fight Android 19. Defeat them to complete the episode. |
Androids vs Piccolo | Next, defeat the team of Android 16, 17, and 18, where you'll need to fight Android 18. Reduce Android 18's health to end the battle and make Gohan appear to help Piccolo. |
Goku's Request | This episode shows how Piccolo fuses with Kami to increase his powers to combat the Androids' threats. This is followed by Goku asking Piccolo to help his son train and become more powerful. |
Cell Transforms | Cell arrives and absorbs Android 17. You can't completely defeat Cell so just reduce his health. |
Training with Gohan | Return to the Hyperbolic chamber to train with Gohan. You'll have to defeat Gohan to proceed to the next episode. |
To the Cell Games Stage | Following an invitation from Cell, you get to fight as Piccolo. Reduce Cell's health to trigger the final episode. |
A Mentor's Guidance | The final episode was a nightmare for me, as it's very hard to defeat Cell. You'll have to avoid taking as much damage as possible and charge up Piccolo's Sparking meter. I tried to keep as much distance as possible and use the Ki attacks accordingly. Interestingly, Piccolo isn't the one who defeats Cell, but I will leave that spoiler out. |
This is one of my favorite Sparking episodes, although I am biased towards Piccolo for sure. The very fact that he breaks the canon (quite obvious since it's a Sparking episode) and steps up to combat the Androids is certainly a fanboy moment, and Dragon Ball Sparking Zero certainly does justice with a perfect execution.
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]]>If you're not satisfied with Dragon Ball Sparking Zero's default offerings and mode, you can always use the custom battles to create your own set of contests.
Custom battles allow you to put your favorite characters against each other without caring about the original canon. When creating these fights, you can tweak plenty of details to make the fights as imaginative as possible. Let's take a look at how you can create these battles inside Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
Custom battles can be created from the dedicated option with the same name. You can access it from Dragon Ball Sparking Zero's Main Menu. Custom battles are of three different types:
Once you select the custom battle type, you can then choose from the following prompt.
Once you choose a prompt, the custom battle type will be created. Let's take a detailed look at all three battle types available in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
Custom battle type | Description |
Simple | Simple Edit lets you select your fighters and the environment. You can also select the title scree, and use custom background images and text. This is the best way to learn custom battles. |
Normal | Normal Edit allows you greater customization, by allowing you change finer details of a battle. Not only can you change the starting and ending moments of a battle, but you can also introduce different modifiers like forcing character switches, banning (or allowing) moves, and more. |
Copy | Copy Edit lets you copy pre-existing battles, and includes both user and official creation. |
Additionally, you can also share your custom battles in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero from the World Library. Anyone who downloads your battles will be able to rate it with likes. If you can gain enough likes from the community, you will receive Master Titles and a Player Card to win.
But do note that a custom battle can only be shared if you beat it yourself inside the game.
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]]>Goku Black might be one of the stronger villains on the roster of Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, but there's more to him as far as the Episode battle mode is concerned.
He has one Sparking campaign titled Proof of Justice, which has an alternate ending for the character. Naturally, there are certain prerequisites you've to fulfill in order to gain access to the Sparking episode. The episodes of this path are also different from the default storyline, so let's find out how you can start and complete the Sparking episode.
In Act Three Begins, Goku Black has to face the mighty duo of Goku and Vegeta. While this sounds simple, it's one of the hardest episodes to complete in the entire game. Defeating the duo isn't enough - you'll have to do so quickly. I think three minutes is a safe boundary to target.
Plus, both Goku and Vegeta are in their Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, aka SSGSS, form. In a nutshell, defeating them quickly is extremely difficult, so be prepared to fail at least a few times.
If you manage to complete the task, the alternate path of Goku Black's storyline will become available.
Here are all the episodes of this alternate path and a guide about how you can complete all of them.
Episode | How to complete |
Danger Posed by Zamasu | Goku Black faces off against Trunks, who wants to seal Zamasu using an Evil Containment Wave. In the very first episode, defeat the duo of Trunks and Vegeta to complete the episode. |
Their Choice | You'll now face against Vegeto and Trunks (yes, Vegeta and Goku fuses to defeat Goku Black). To complete this episode, you'll have to defeat one or the other without fusing with Zamasu. The key is to end the fight as quickly as possible. Irrespective of your choice, Goku Black defeats Trunks at the end of the episode. |
Proof of Justice | In the last episode, you're back to where it all began. You go up against vegeta and Goku. While Goku starts the fight, you'll get your chance to defeat Vegeta at first. Then, defeat Goku to complete the Proof of Justice Sparking episode. |
There are several other Sparking episodes in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. In fact, some characters like Goku and Future Trunks have more than one branching path in their respective episodes. However, the ending scene of Proof of Justice is absolutely intriguing. You get to see what would happen if Vegeta and Goku failed in their objective and couldn't protect the world.
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]]>Goku is certainly one of the most popular characters available in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, and you can explore all his available Sparking timelines by unlocking the different branching paths.
The Episode battle mode is essentially the game's main campaign, where you can explore the main story at your own pace. Goku has three different Sparking episodes. Let's take a look at how you can trigger them and then complete them.
The Side by Side path begins with The Earth's Mightiest Duo, and here are all the episodes.
Episode | How to complete |
Raditz vs The Turtle School | Weaken Raditz till Krillen joins in to help, and you'll be redirected to the original narrative. |
Piccolo's Proposal | Battle Ginyu, who is hiding as Vegeta. There's a funny ending in this part. |
Training Together | Pick anyone between Krillin, Yamcha, Chaiotzu or Tien, but make sure to defeat your opponent. |
The Importance of Teamwork | Defeat Nappa, who's the next to arrive, and Vegeta has something cool in store. |
Fearless Vegeta | Survive Vegeta's attacks as he transforms into a Great Ape. |
Great Ape Extermination | Reduce Vegeta's Great Ape form's health to end the battle. |
The Battle Resumes Too Soon | Once again, Goku faces Vegeta. |
Team Combat by an Unlikely Pair | Frieza arrives, and you can complete the episode by defeating Dodoria and Zarbon. |
Mysterious Elite Squadron | Next is Guldo, and just wear him down as much as possible. |
Consecutive Battles with the Ginyu Force | Now, get ready to face the entire Ginyu Force. Be extremely careful as you face five opponents, and you can't regenerate. |
Suspicious Vegeta | You get to battle Frieza in his first form. If you manage to reduce his health, Frieza will transform into his second and then his third form. |
Frieza's Transformation | Reduce Frieza's health even more, and he will transform into his Final form. Vegetal will interfere and send Goku to recover. However, you'll have to survive the battle long enough till Goku can Spirit Bomb Frieza. |
Side by Side | Reduce Frieza's health even more, and he will transform to his Final form. Vegetal will interfere and send Goku to recover. However, you'll have to survive the battle long enough till Goku can Spirit Bomb Frieza. |
First, work with Piccolo in Earth's Mightiest Duo, and then defeat Raditz in Rematch and Result as quickly as possible (preferably within three minutes).
Episode | How to complete |
Temporary Peace | Goku trains his son Gohan, and the first step is to defeat him in combat. |
Hurry Goku | Help your friends by tackling Saibaman. |
Goku vs Nappa | Goku fights Nappa, and he the battle ends when the latter's health is reduced to his final health level. |
A Saiyan's Education | Goku finally defeats Nappa, who then gets killed by Vegeta. |
Transformation | Now, it's turn for Goku to face Vegeta, who turns into Great Ape and knocks Goku unconscious. |
Goku's Rage | Watching everything that Vegeta has done to his loved ones, Goku turns Super Saiyan, and defeats Vegeta. Despite a loss, Vegeta manages to escape. |
A Solo Journey to Planet Namek | Goku and his friends meet Frieza's forces on Planet Namek. You'll have to defeat a Frieza Force Soldier. |
Pushing the Limit | This is an epic battle, as Goku turns Super Saiyan once more to face off against Vegeta, who has also transformed into Super Saiyan after defeating Frieza. |
Changing Future is Goku's final Sparking episode. To access it, you'll have to help during the Hyperbolic Time Chamber Episode without waiting for the others.
Episode | How to complete |
Defeat Cell | Defeating Cell is must if you want to continue. |
The Androids and Goku | Defeat Android 18 to complete this episode. |
Fun and Games | Defeat Android 17 to complete this episode. |
Changing Future | Defeat Android 16 and the group to complete this Sparking episode. |
That's pretty much all when it comes to all the branching paths of the three Sparking missions for Goku in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
The post Dragon Ball Sparking Zero: All Goku Branching Paths in Episode battle mode appeared first on Destructoid.
]]>If you're really good at retro gaming and have accomplished skills in Street Fighter 2, LA Gear has a wonderful competition running for the next couple of weeks.
You can participate for free to showcase just how good you are with those older arcades that the new generation might not be familiar with. By doing well, you just won't have to settle for bragging rights, for there are retro LA Gear prizes to be won. Let's take a look at how you can participate and win the highest positions in the new Street Fighter 2 retro fighting game challenge campaign.
Street Fighter 2 is widely regarded as one of the best fighting games of all time. Despite being a really old title for modern times, you can still enjoy the intense fights if you manage to secure one of those older arcades. The retro fighting game challenge campaign will reward you with brand new LA Gear footwear and exclusive discounts if you can manage to get the top ranks.
Here's how you can participate, along with the conditions associated with the tournament.
Once you're done with your recording and satisfied with the results, you'll need to upload it to the Twin Galaxies platform. Complete your sign-up and submit the video and score from the contest page. Just click on this link to go to the relevant page.
The Street Fighter 2 retro fighting game challenge campaign runs until October 21, so there's plenty of time for you to record your sessions. Rewards are waiting for you if you can get yourself in the top 44 ranks.
Now that you know what needs to be done, start to crank up those fingers and smash your opponents to score as many points as possible.
The post LA Gear of all places is hosting a Street Fighter retro fighting game challenge campaign appeared first on Destructoid.