All Path of Exile 2 Endgame Icons explained

All Path of Exile 2 Endgame Map Icons, explained

A lot of familiar systems

Once you complete Acts 1-3 on both Normal and Cruel difficulties, you’ll unlock the endgame map for Path of Exile 2. The map has a ton of areas to explore with various different icons which indicate what additional mechanics you can expect to be on the map. Here are all of the Path of Exile 2 Endgame Map Icons and what they mean.

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All Path of Exile 2 Endgame Map Icons
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Path of Exile 2 Endgame Map Icons

Each map location is marked by a circle with one of four colors: white, green, blue, or yellow. White means its a location you haven’t unlocked yet, while green means you have already cleared that map. Blue means you can access that map to try to clear it now, and yellow means you have attempted the map and failed. All of the maps also include various icons that indicate which encounters you can expect on the map.

These are all the icons that can appear on the endgame maps in Path of Exile 2:

Path of Exile 2 Icon BossMap BossMap will contain a Map Boss. Map Bosses are extremely powerful monsters that have special mechanics and drop greatly increased rewards.
Path of Exile 2 Icon IrradiatedIrradiatedArea has a +1 to Monster Level.
Path of Exile 2 Icon BreachBreachMap will contain a Breach. Opening it will allow you to see and interact with monsters from another dimension. The faster you kill them, the longer the Breach remains open.
Path of Exile 2 Icon DeliriumDeliriumMap will contain a Delirium Mirror. Walking through unleashes a Delirium fog that expands. Killing monsters while in the Delirium fog increases your rewards.
Path of Exile 2 Icon ExpeditionExpeditionMap contains Expeditions that are Ancient Kalguuran burial sites allowing you to set a chain of explosive to encounter powerful enemies and rewards.
Path of Exile 2 Icon RitualRitualMap contains Ritual Altars that absorb enemies when killed in the ritual circles. Defeating the revived monsters earns you Tribute to spend on powerful rewards.
Path of Exile 2 Icon CorruptionCorruptionMap contains Corruption which may add an additional modifier to the area. Additionally, the area has +1 to Monster Level.
Path of Exile 2 Icon Unique MapUnique MapMap contains a unique map layout which may contain specialized rewards.
Path of Exile 2 Icon HideoutHideoutMap contains a Hideout that can be fully cleared out to obtain the Hideout for personal use.
Path of Exile 2 Icon Wandering TraderWandering TraderMap contains a Wandering Trader who may offer you powerful rewards.

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Steven Mills
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.